IPD S.T.A.R.S. Bike Safety Training and Riding Skills

IPD Bike Safety Training and Riding Skills
June 29, 2019

The purpose of the S.T.A.R.S. (Safety Training And Riding Skills) program is to provide youth the knowledge and skills needed to commute within the City of Irvine as a cyclist or pedestrian.

This program covers the fundamentals of the following topics:

  • Advice on traveling along safe routes
  • Practical, emergency, and defensive riding
  • Situational awareness
  • Common courtesy skills
  • Bicycle and equipment maintenance
  • Pedestrian safety

The first half of the course is in a classroom setting aimed at educating students on traffic laws, safe riding, proper equipment maintenance, and pedestrian safety. The last half of the class will involve a fun and educational bicycle skills course.

Attendees are required to bring their own bicycle, helmet and a parent or guardian. Attendees are also expected to have basic riding skills prior to attending the course.

WHO: Kids ages 6-11 with basic bike riding skills

WHEN: 9-11am, Saturday,  June 29, 2019

WHERE: Civic Center Parking Lot, 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine

CONTACT: RSVP By Friday,  June 21  STARS@cityofirvine.org